Iyengar Yoga in-depth classes and Workshops 2024
Yoga Workshop
Guest teachers: Eddy Marks & Mary Obendorfer
Weekend: Friday October 18th till Sunday October 20th, 2024
The topic of the workshop weekend: Desha, the Power of Place.
The program:
Friday October 18th, from 4-6 pm: Neck, Creating Freedom & Ease
Saturday October 19th, from 9 am – 2.30 pm: Chest, Coiling & Supporting for Unfolding & Upliftment — Low back: Iyengar Progression, Step 1
zSunday October 20th, from 9 am – 2.30 pm: Legs & Trunk: Bringing Evenness, Creating Calmness — Low back: Iyengar Progression, Step 2
They are closely associated with the RIMYI (Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute) in Pune and have received broad training in ‘remedial’ work, therapeutic yoga, and how to practice the asanas if there are medical complaints.
The workshop is open to all levels. If there are any questions, let us know.
The costs for the whole weekend: € 205,-
Single day, see for more information:
flyer and registration-form
In-depth classes
These Saturday morning classes are for those interested in deepening there weekly yoga classes, with extensive attention to personal guidence in the practice of asanas and pranayama.
These classes are also for those who have chosen to be mentored.
These in-depth classes are based on what is described (in the ‘Guidelines’) about Level 1, Level 2 (3). See more about this at mentoring.
You can indicate in advance which asanas you have questions about.
Saterday September 7th, and Sunday September 29th
We take a closer look at what’s coming up this morning …
Start: 9.30 am-12.30 pm
Costs: € 43,50
Location: Breda and/or Oosterhout
Teacher: Pascal Poell
Yoga Workshop
Saturday November 23, 2024
We practice building up and deepening the asanas based on
the following theme: is coming!
Location: Breda, Oosterstraat 106
Time: 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM (incl. Break)
Costs: € 58,-
Teachers: Irma Menssink and Pascal Poell
For All in-depth lessons and workshops:
Information + registration by email or app:
Pascal Poell en/of Irma Menssink, tel. 0162-456422
Pascal (06-15284977) Irma (06-18953671)
During International Yoga Day Friday, June 21, 2024: Film screening ‘Der Atmende Gott’
We have enjoyed, and got much depth and inspiration with the weekend 3-5 March ’23 with guest teacher Gulnaaz Dashti, in Breda, to practice in our own yoga practice. Look at some photo impressions