The Iyengar Yoga Center Oosterhout and Breda (IYCOB) was founded in 1989 by Pascal Poell. After 5 years Irma Menssink joined him and together they have expanded their center. There was a fixed private location in Oosterhout South in 1998. In Breda the classes were in the district centre “De Vlieren”, until they also could buy a fixed location in 2008 in Breda Southwest just outside the city center.
Pascal comes in the Board at the establishment of the Iyengar Yoga Association Netherlands in 1995, and both of them always remain active within the association with different functions. Both Pascal as Irma go regularly to India for further training at the Institute of B.K.S. Iyengar. In addition, they follow regular workshops in the Netherlands and abroad.
The 10 year anniversary was celebrated convivial in Oosterhout is with a yoga demonstration, film and live music from India.
In the period after both have done multiple exams for higher levels of teachers.
The class scedule expanded with special classes, such as medical classes, meditation. And from 2005 the IYCOB invites almost every year a guest teacher from India for a workshop. Pascal is assessor for the IYVN, and the last 10 years he examines also abroad. Now a days also Irma is an assessor.
The 25th anniversary is celebrated in Breda with again a yoga demonstration, film about a children’s school project in India, various guest speakers and live dance from India.
A year after the 30th anniversary an interview (in Dutch) was taken, as part of a short promotion film.